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Main Responsibilities of the National Medical Products Administration

时间: 2022-03-03 作者: 来源:
导读: (1) To supervise the safety of drugs (including traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) and ethno-medicines, the same below), medi

(1) To supervise the safety of drugs (including traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) and ethno-medicines, the same below), medical devices and cosmetics; to draw up regulatory policy plans, organize the drafting of laws and regulations, formulate normative documents, and supervise the implementation thereof; to research and formulate regulatory and supportive policies that encourage new technologies and new products for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(2) To undertake standards management for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics; to organize the formulation and publication of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and other drug and medical device standards, organize the drafting of cosmetic standards, organize the formulation of the classification management system, and supervise the implementation thereof; to participate in formulating the National Essential Medicine List, and assist in the implementation of the national essential medicine system.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(3) To regulate the registration of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics; to develop the registration system, conduct strict review and approval for marketing, improve measures to facilitate the review and approval process, and organize the implementation thereof.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(4) To undertake quality management for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics; to develop Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Good Clinical Practices (GCP), and supervise the implementation thereof; to develop Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and supervise the implementation thereof in line with NMPA’s responsibilities; to develop good practices on the distribution and use of medical products and guide the implementation thereof.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(5) To undertake post-market risk management for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics; to organize the monitoring, evaluation, and handling of adverse drug reactions, medical device adverse events, and cosmetic adverse reactions; to undertake emergency response management for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics in accordance with law.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(6) To undertake management of qualifications for licensed pharmacists; to formulate regulations of qualifications for licensed pharmacists, and guide and supervise the registration of licensed pharmacists.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(7) To organize and guide the supervision and inspection of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics; to develop the inspection system, investigate and punish illegal activities during the registration process for drugs, medical devices and cosmetics in accordance with law, and organize and guide the investigation and punishment of illegal activities during the manufacturing process in line with NMPA’s responsibilities.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(8) To engage in international exchange and cooperation in the regulation of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics, and participate in developing relevant international regulatory rules and standards.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(9) To guide the work of drug regulatory departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(10) To complete other tasks assigned by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.IsE进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理


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