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Opinions solicited on draft food safety law

时间: 2022-03-03 作者: 来源:
导读: The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council on Tuesday began to solicit public opinions on a draft amendment to the food saf
The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council on Tuesday began to solicit public opinions on a draft amendment to the food safety law that imposes harsher punishment on violators.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

The draft contains changes and additional stipulations that highlight the liability of food companies and local governments, offer innovative supervision methods and strengthen the role of the public in ensuring food safety, among other aspects.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

Concerning infant formula, the draft stipulates that manufacturers should report the raw materials, ingredients and labels of their products to food safety administrations, and they are not allowed to contract the production to other people or repackage original products.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

According to the draft, fines for severe food safety violations such as use of illegal additives are 15 to 30 times the amount involved in the misconduct, up from the current five to 10 times.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

The draft also stipulates that those handed jail terms for food-related violations are no longer allowed to work in the field, while the principals of food risk evaluation institutes should be sacked if their subordinates present false evaluation reports.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

The current food safety law has been in place for more than four years after taking effect on June 1, 2009.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

The draft is open to public feedback until Nov. 29.oQ6进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

Source: Xinhua


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