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Registration Application Articles of Imported Health Food Product

时间: 2022-03-03 作者: 来源:
导读: The applicant of the registration application of imported health food must provide the following Articlesbesides providing    the
The applicant of the registration application of imported health food must provide the following ArticlesMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

besides providing    the Articles needed for domestic health food application according to its raw materialsMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

used and function application:。MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(I) The documents granted by relevant institutions in manufacturing country (region) to the productMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理
manufacturer to state that the product conforms to the relevant local production quality standard.MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(II) Foreign manufacturers which are represented by permanent representative office in China for registrationMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

should provide the copy of Registration Certificate for Permanent Chinese Representative Agency of ForeignMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

Foreign manufacturers which entrust the agency in China with the registration application must provideMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

original letter of trust which has been notarized and the copy of the business license of the agency entrusted.MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理
(III) The documents of the products which have been produced and sold more than one year in theMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

manufacturing country (region) should be notarized by the notary office of the manufacturing countryMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(regions) and validated by Chinese embassy or consulate in the manufacturing country.MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理
(IV) Relevant product standard of the manufacturing country (region) or international body.MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

(V) The original packaging, label and package insert of the product used in the market of the manufacturingMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

country (region)MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理
(VI) The samples of three consecutive lot numbers and the amount should be three times of the amountMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

needed for inspection.MyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

The application Articles must use Chinese language with the original language version enclosed, and theMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

Articles in foreign language can be enclosed as reference. The Chinese version should be notarized by theMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

notary office in Chinese territory to ensure that it is consistent with the content of original version; TheMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

product quality standard (Chinese version) for the registration application must conform to the productMyF进口化妆品备案,进口化妆品申报,进口化妆品注册,进口非特备案凭证,国产特殊化妆品申报注册,批文代办,保健食品注册申报代理

standard format for health food in China.


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